"Cold To Client 5 Day Challenge" Presented By Doug Boughton  2CC & Dream Car Award Winner 

"Cold To Client 5 Day Challenge" Presented By Doug Boughton  2CC & Dream Car Award Winner 


Shorten Your Sales Cycles leveraging "Gamified Virtual Events" In 5 Days or LESS!

Live Challenge Starts On October 23rd, 2023

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


Generate 5-6 Figures Consistently online EVERY MONTH by implementing the same system that allowed Doug to achieve a 7 Figure Business WITHOUT Sales Calls

Finally, Scale The Right Way

Want to discover the simplest way to shorten your customer journey from cold lead to client in a matter of days, NOT MONTHS?

Do you often times find yourself spending so much time on useless sales calls that result in a "let me think about it ?"

If so, then you're going to LOVE the "Cold To Clients" Challenge!

Up until now, I have only taught this strategy to Russell Brunson's Inner Circle and Category King Members.

My name is Doug Boughton.

This is my personal invitation for you to join the "Cold To Clients" 5-Day Challenge.

If you answered "YES" to either of the questions above, then I know something about you...

You have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

You likely have an offer that your dream clients are waiting for, but maybe you're just feeling stuck on how to acquire them faster.

Join this challenge to discover how to fill your offer with qualified-ready-to-buy leads.

You will get Doug's EXACT client acquisition strategy that allowed him to earn the 2 Comma Club Award. 

But, a few simple things are holding you back... and it isn't happening as quickly as you'd like.


Here's the TRUTH:

What do all of the entrepreneurs, sales pros, and business owners that are killing it online have in common?

They all have the 3 core essentials dialed in.

A community of quality buyers, a simple & scalable process that converts their leads into clients, and a system in place to repeat it month after month.

Not just that, they have most of the process automated.

From solopreneurs... all the way up to the online gurus.
Me, personally? I have sold over $1 Million of digital products and software online. Some of my strategies have worked really well... and others have completely bombed.
It took me over two years to figure this out.

I used to cold message complete strangers to try and sell my offers…and found myself getting pitched back by them!

It wasn’t until I stopped trying to cold leads…and focused on creating value driven conversion events... 

Then suddenly, I knew exactly what to do in these events and the leads just started to flow…every single day! 

High-level folks pay me $25,000 or more for me to privately expose some of my gamified challenge strategies. 

Best Part?

My simple client acquisition process brings me in 100s of customers every month. Now, I want to help you do the same...

In Less Than 5 Days You'll Have 
Your Conversion Event READY...

Each Day I Will Coach You On...


Take The Challenge to 

Shorten Your Sales Cycles From Months to Days

Challenge your idea of what's possible & skip years of struggle.


5 Day Commitment and Participation

1-2 hrs per day for 5 days. Accomplish a result each day.

Final Result

Implement My Systems To Convert One To Many

Level up by making more perfect high ticket offers quickly by the end of class.

This Class Is For

Digital Marketers, Coaches & Consultants

Advanced, this class will explode your business.

When These Clients Came To Us, They Had Drawn Out 
Sales Cycles. Look At Them Now! 👇👇👇

5 Days To Change Your Client Acquisition Forever
Over the course of 5 days, you will discover the fastest and simplest client acquisition strategy that you didn't know exsited.
(and how he has successfully taught this to others in any industry 
including health, business, and personal development)
This LIVE challenge includes in depth training sessions, projects, Q & A  and feedback sessions.
Day 1: Avoid The #1 Mistake of Client Acquisition
On the first day, you will understand the first step to go from inconsistent unqualified client enrollments to acquiring ideal clients in droves with less stress.
  • Discover the TRUTH behind the simplest way to have 6-figure months online that most of the gurus aren't sharing.
  • Why traditional methods like cold prospecting, webinars, evergreen video sales letters, and outdated client acquisitions strategies convert at such a low rate.
  • The psychology behind gamification and why it works.
  • Understand the simplest framework to help you implement your own conversion event in a repeatable manner fast.
Uncomplicate your sales process and learn to make more sales without having to run paid ads or getting on any sales calls.
Day 2: Shorten Your Client Acquisition Cycle
On the second day, you will discover why feel "stagnate" with your current acquisition strategy and what you can do about it.
  • Why the top 7 and 8 figure earners are running challenges vs outdated client acquisition strategies.
  • Discover why your last challenge or conversion event may not have attracted or converted your audience members.
  • ​Understand why what you may be doing now is likely much more work that the "work" it takes to put on a successful challenge.
  • How a challenge model can work for ANY company in ANY industry online or offline. 
  • ​Show you step by step how to position your first or next challenge to attract exactly who you want to work with.
Identify the root cause of why your current client enrollment strategy might feel stagnate so you can make the necessary changes to enroll more clients into your core offer.

Day 3: How To Position your Conversion Event for Maximum Results 
On the third day, you will know exactly how to "reverse engineer" your offer to structure your conversion event for effortless enrollment. 
  • How to "dissect" your core offer to know exactly what you need to know to simplify your challenge content.
  • Creating your challenge type, topic, and content pillars.
  • The 3 best ways to name your challenge and choosing the right one to attract your audience.
  • Know exactly what to talk about each day and how to clearly communicate the message without "giving too much" away.
  • ​Understand the "belief shifting momentum" framework to help you transform your audience from cold to clients.
Get a copy of my challenge checklist to help you plan out your challenge topic, name, tagline, and daily content agendas and how to use that to plan and build your challenge.

Day 4: How To Fill your Challenge with Qualified Leads
You will discover the lead attraction formula and understand how and why it works as well as it does.
  • Understand what your must do first to attract the right leads and how you can spend less time prospecting.
  • ​Learn how to remove "cold messaging" from your vocabulary! No more getting reverse pitched in the DMs.
  • Get behind the scenes training on the hottest marketing strategy to expand your audience reach with less effort.
  • The simplest way to add gamification to get more sign ups, social shares, engagement, testimonials, and clients.
  • How to automate your lead flow and follow up process.
Get a copy of my challenge registration tracking sheet and discover how to increase your sign ups, engagements, and conversions leveraging gamification. 

Day 5: Cold To Clients Conversion Hacks
On the fifth day, you will get my best conversion hacks that come before, during, and after the challenge so you can 10X your challenge conversion rate. 
  • ​Discover how to get your challenge registrations to commit 100% before the challenge even starts.
  • ​How to introduce your offer the right way that makes it a no-brainer for your challenge members to join.
  • ​How to use the "fence shaker" method using "FOMO" to take challengers from unsure to absolute certainty. 
  • 5 Conversion Hacks to implement after Day 5 to increase enrollments for your core offer.
  • Get our "Post Challenge" messenger follow up scripts.
  • My "Facebook Group Growth Blueprint" Overview
    Understand proven and tested ways to increase conversions and know exactly what to do before, during, and after the challenge to 10X conversions for your core offer. 


    Shorten Your Sales Cycles leveraging "Gamified
    Virtual Events" In 5 Days or LESS!

    Challenge Starts On October 23rd, 2023

    00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


    Generate 5-6 Figures Consistently online EVERY MONTH by implementing the same system that allowed Doug to achieve a 7 Figure Business WITHOUT Sales Calls

    Finally, Scale The Right Way

    Want to discover the simplest way to shorten your customer journey from cold lead to client in a matter of days, NOT MONTHS?

    Do you often times find yourself spending so much time on useless sales calls that result in a "let me think about it ?"

    If so, then you're going to LOVE the "Cold To Clients" Challenge!

    Up until now, I have only taught this strategy to Russell Brunson's Inner Circle and Category King Members.

    You will get Doug's EXACT client acquisition strategy 
    that allowed him to earn the 2 Comma Club Award. 

    My name is Doug Boughton.

    This is my personal invitation for you to join the "Cold To Clients" 5-Day Challenge.

    If you answered "YES" to either of the questions above, then I know something about you...

    You have the desire to do BIG THINGS...

    You likely have an offer that your dream clients are waiting for, but maybe you're just feeling stuck on how to acquire them faster.

    Join this challenge to discover how to fill your offer with qualified-ready-to-buy leads.

    But, a few simple things are holding you back... and it isn't happening as quickly as you'd like.

    Which Is Why I Created THIS CHALLENGE FOR YOU

    Here's the TRUTH:

    What do all of the entrepreneurs, sales pros, and business owners that are killing it online have in common?

    They all have the 3 core essentials dialed in.

    A community of quality buyers, a simple & scalable process that converts their leads into clients, and a system in place to repeat it month after month.
    Not just that, they have most of the process automatedFrom solopreneurs... all the way up to the online gurus.
    Me, personally? I have sold over $1 Million of digital products and software online. Some of my strategies have worked really well... and others have completely bombed.
    It took me over two years to figure this out.

    I used to cold message complete strangers to try and sell my offers…and found myself getting pitched back by them!

    It wasn’t until I stopped trying to cold leads…and focused on creating value driven conversion events... 

    Then suddenly, I knew exactly what to do in these events and the leads just started to flow…every single day! 

    High-level folks pay me $25,000 or more for me to privately expose some of my gamified challenge strategies. 

    Best Part?

    My simple client acquisition process brings me in 100s of customers every month. Now, I want to help you do the same...

    In Less Than 5 Days You'll Have 
    Your Conversion Event READY...

    Each Day I Will Coach You On...


    Take The Challenge to 

    Shorten Your Sales Cycles From Months to Days

    Challenge your idea of what's possible & skip years of struggle.


    5 Day Commitment and Participation

    1-2 hrs per day for 5 days. Accomplish a result each day.

    Final Result

    Implement My Systems To Convert One To Many

    Level up by making more perfect high ticket offers quickly by the end of class.

    This Class Is For

    Digital Marketers, Coaches & Consultants

    Advanced, this class will explode your business.

    When These Clients Came To Us, They Had Drawn Out 
    Sales Cycles. Look At Them Now! 👇👇👇

    5 Days To Change Your Client Acquisition Forever
    Over the course of 5 days, you will discover the fastest and simplest client acquisition strategy that you didn't know existed.
    (and how Doug has successfully taught this to others in any industry 
    including health, business, and personal development)
    This LIVE challenge includes in depth training sessions, projects, Q & A  and feedback sessions.
    Day 1: Avoid The #1 Mistake of Client Acquisition
    On the first day, you will understand the first step to go from inconsistent unqualified client enrollments to acquiring ideal clients in droves with less stress.
    • Discover the TRUTH behind the simplest way to have 6-figure months online that most of the gurus aren't sharing.
    • Why traditional methods like cold prospecting, webinars, evergreen video sales letters, and outdated client acquisitions strategies convert at such a low rate.
    • The psychology behind gamification and why it works.
    • Understand the simplest framework to help you implement your own conversion event in a repeatable manner fast.
    Uncomplicate your sales process and learn to make more sales without having to run paid ads or getting on any sales calls.
    Identify the root cause of why your current client enrollment strategy might feel stagnate so you can make the necessary changes to enroll more clients into your core offer.

    Day 2: Shorten Your Client Acquisition Cycle
    On the second day, you will discover why feel "stagnate" with your current acquisition strategy and what you can do about it.
    • Why the top 7 and 8 figure earners are running challenges vs outdated client acquisition strategies.
    • Discover why your last challenge or conversion event may not have attracted or converted your audience members.
    • ​Understand why what you may be doing now is likely much more work that the "work" it takes to put on a successful challenge.
    • How a challenge model can work for ANY company in ANY industry online or offline. 
    • ​Show you step by step how to position your first or next challenge to attract exactly who you want to work with.
    Day 3: How To Position your Conversion Event for Maximum Results 
    On the third day, you will know exactly how to "reverse engineer" your offer to structure your conversion event for effortless enrollment. 
    • How to "dissect" your core offer to know exactly what you need to know to simplify your challenge content.
    • Creating your challenge type, topic, and content pillars.
    • The 3 best ways to name your challenge and choosing the right one to attract your audience.
    • Know exactly what to talk about each day and how to clearly communicate the message without "giving too much" away.
    • ​Understand the "belief shifting momentum" framework to help you transform your audience from cold to clients.
    Get a copy of my challenge checklist to help you plan out your challenge topic, name, tagline, and daily content agendas and how to use that to plan and build your challenge.

    Get a copy of my challenge registration tracking sheet and discover how to increase your sign ups, engagements, and conversions leveraging gamification. 

    Day 4: How To Fill your Challenge with Qualified Leads
    You will discover the lead attraction formula and understand how and why it works as well as it does.
    • Understand what your must do first to attract the right leads and how you can spend less time prospecting.
    • ​Learn how to remove "cold messaging" from your vocabulary! No more getting reverse pitched in the DMs.
    • Get behind the scenes training on the hottest marketing strategy to expand your audience reach with less effort.
    • The simplest way to add gamification to get more sign ups, social shares, engagement, testimonials, and clients.
    • How to automate your lead flow and follow up process.
    Day 5: Cold To Clients Conversion Hacks
    On the fifth day, you will get my best conversion hacks that come before, during, and after the challenge so you can 10X your challenge conversion rate. 
    • ​Discover how to get your challenge registrations to commit 100% before the challenge even starts.
    • ​How to introduce your offer the right way that makes it a no-brainer for your challenge members to join.
    • ​How to use the "fence shaker" method using "FOMO" to take challengers from unsure to absolute certainty. 
    • 5 Conversion Hacks to implement after Day 5 to increase enrollments for your core offer.
    • Get our "Post Challenge" messenger follow up scripts.
    • My "Facebook Group Growth Blueprint" Overview
      DAY 5 RESULT
      Understand proven and tested ways to increase conversions and know exactly what to do before, during, and after the challenge to 10X conversions for your core offer. 


      October 23rd - 27th 2023
      2pm - 3pm EST

      00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds


      Private Members Online Community
      Over $10,000 of prizes will be given away to 33 challenge attendees who show up and implement the training

      Bonus #1: Conversion Event Checklist
      Everything you need to do before, during, and after your event to have the highest conversions possible

      Bonus # 2: 6-Figure Challenge Framework Training
      Everything you need to do before, during, and after your event to have the highest conversions possible

      Bonus #3: Access the replays for 7 Days
      If you cannot make the live trainings each day, you will be able to catch up. The recordings will be available in the private FB group for 7 Days after the Challenge starts.


      October 23rd - 27th 2023
      2pm - 3pm EST


      Private Members Online Community
      Over $10,000 of prizes will be given away to 33 challenge attendees who show up and implement the training

      Bonus #1: Conversion Event Checklist
      Everything you need to do before, during, and after your event to have the highest conversions possible

      Bonus # 2: 6-Figure Challenge Framework Training
      Everything you need to do before, during, and after your event to have the highest conversions possible

      Bonus #3: Access the replays for 7 Days
      If you cannot make the live trainings each day, you will be able to catch up. The recordings will be available in the private FB group for 7 Days after the Challenge starts.

      Learn From $1M Earner

      During this 5 day class, you'll learn how Doug went from a struggling restaurant server, to becoming a ClickFunnel's Dream Car Winner and 7-Figure online Entrepreneur leveraging the challenge model.

      You will even learn how he has introduced innovative changes that have only been shared with member's of Russell Brunson's Inner Circle and Category Kings.

      Entrepreneurs will discover the hottest one-to-many conversion method in an advanced way they never knew existed! 

      Let's map out and build your "Cold to Client" Conversion System together in only 5 days! 

      5 days- One Hour Per Day- "TAKE ACTION" Oriented
      Spend 5 Days with Doug Boughton to implement the best way to scale your online business!  You won't leave this challenge just feeling good, you could leave it with a the exact systems that will attract, nurture, & convert quality clients!

      This Stuff Actually Gets Results!

      Listen to what some of our clients have to say about their experience in our challenges...

      Brooke generated over $10K in 30 days inside our program!

      Gary generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

      Sami generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

      Learn From $1M Earner

      During this 5 day class, you'll learn how Doug went from a struggling restaurant server, to becoming a ClickFunnel's Dream Car Winner and 7-Figure online Entrepreneur leveraging the challenge model.

      You will even learn how he has introduced innovative changes that have only been shared with member's of Russell Brunson's Inner Circle and Category Kings.

      Entrepreneurs will discover the hottest one-to-many conversion method in an advanced way they never knew existed! 

      Let's map out and build your "Cold to Client" Conversion System together in only 5 days! 

      5 days- One Hour Per Day- "TAKE ACTION" Oriented
      Spend 5 Days with Doug Boughton to implement the best way to scale your online business!  You won't leave this challenge just feeling good, you could leave it with a the exact systems that will attract, nurture, & convert quality clients!

      This Stuff Actually Gets Results!

      Listen to what some of our clients have to say about their experience in our challenges...

      Brooke generated over $10K in 30 days inside our program!

      Gary generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

      Sami generated $10k in 30 days inside our program!

      still have questions? here are some answers
      Frequently Asked Questions
      Q: Who is this 5 day class for?
      Entrepreneurs who already have an offer selling or have an offer ready to sell. This 5 day class is to help entrepreneurs level up by making simple and scalable high ticket offers, shorten their sales cycle, and implement a simplified client acquisition process.
      Q: Will this work for my business?
      This works for any business has an offer that they are looking to scale online. Doug has worked with affiliate marketers, coaches in all industries, consultants, freelancers, agency owners, brick and mortar businesses, private practices to help them implement a virtual challenge model to scale their customer and client acquisition for their business. In this class, Doug will show you exact examples and case studies for how this CAN work for your business, even if it is a new concept for you.
      Q: This seems like a lot of work, how much time does this take?
      In the 5 day class, you will be building out your first or next 5 day challenge to help you scale your client and customer acquisition. It will require 2 hours of your time per day and will be very action oriented where you will be getting the exact steps each day to come up with your topic, challenge name, daily content agendas, refine your offer, and focus on filling and delivering your next challenge. If you consider how much work you are doing right now to sell your offers, this model will simplify your sales process and increase your sales with a systematic approach that will take you out of the daily grind of being a "launch" business so you can actually scale your business with less effort and stress.
      Q: How is this different from a webinar?
      Webinars are not dead. However, I don't know about you, but all the energy that goes into running a live or evergreen webinar just to get a 3-5% conversion rate, which is considered a great conversion for these types of events, is just a waste of energy in our opinion. By going through this 5 Day Challenge and watching not only what Doug is doing but HOW is he is doing this, will help you understand why and how this model works so much better than a 90 minute webinar model. It builds momentum for you audience, gives them a vehicle to shift their beliefs and literally transform over the course of 5 days. Not only that, but it is a filter to only bring you the best clients who are an exact match to your ideal customer. It will sift out freebie seekers, freebie seekers, and unmotivated customers and at the end of your challenge, you will be left with the best of the best who are ready to buy your offer AND implement what you are teaching so they can get amazing results, give you testimonials, social shares, and referrals to help you grow your online business even faster. 
      Q: Who is successful in running an online challenge model for their business?
      In the past, many of the top entrepreneurs and companies would use all types of client acquisition strategies from paid advertising, cold outreach, webinars, summits, video sales letters, sales funnels, and many others. Yes, these still work. But if you consider the time and energy that these require to get an industry average of 3-5% conversions and that is considered good... you are going to spend the same amount of energy, if not less, and get an average of 25-40% conversions leveraging the challenge model. If you look around at the top leaders in the online marketing industry, they are all using the challenge model because IT WORKS! Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Russell Brunson, and so many more have adopted the challenge model for their business to replace their old marketing strategy. This personally took Doug and Fulltime Freedom Academy from a "Promoter" business to running a CEO operated systems focused 7-Figure online business. A challenge model, when executed correctly, will help you do the same.
      Q: How much is the live class?
      There are 2 ways to participate in "Cold To Clients" challenge. The General Admission Experience is $47 and the VIP Experience is only $97 for the exclusive VIP ticket Zoom post-event Q&A and VIP Coaching with Doug Boughton where he can go into your exact situation and lead generation process.
      Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on offers?
      I've never done this before, except for my high end Mastermind. This is all new content and frameworks. 
      Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?
      Each day we will have the general session at 2pm EST. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the daily tasks and ask questions in the Facebook Group each evening should you have any.
      Q: Will I get direct feedback from Doug?
      Yes, if you have the VIP Experience you will have live Q & A' s daily where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. If you have General Admission you will have the ability to listen to the Q&A but not to ask questions directly. But your questions will more than likely be asked by someone in the VIP Experience. 
      still have questions? here are some answers
      Frequently Asked Questions
      Q: Who is this 5 day class for?
      Entrepreneurs who already have an offer selling or have an offer ready to sell. This 5 day class is to help entrepreneurs level up by making simple and scalable high ticket offers, shorten their sales cycle, and implement a simplified client acquisition process.
      Q: Will this work for my business?
      This works for any business has an offer that they are looking to scale online. Doug has worked with affiliate marketers, coaches in all industries, consultants, freelancers, agency owners, brick and mortar businesses, private practices to help them implement a virtual challenge model to scale their customer and client acquisition for their business. In this class, Doug will show you exact examples and case studies for how this CAN work for your business, even if it is a new concept for you.
      Q: This seems like a lot of work, how much time does this take?
      In the 5 day class, you will be building out your first or next 5 day challenge to help you scale your client and customer acquisition. It will require 2 hours of your time per day and will be very action oriented where you will be getting the exact steps each day to come up with your topic, challenge name, daily content agendas, refine your offer, and focus on filling and delivering your next challenge. If you consider how much work you are doing right now to sell your offers, this model will simplify your sales process and increase your sales with a systematic approach that will take you out of the daily grind of being a "launch" business so you can actually scale your business with less effort and stress.
      Q: How is this different from a webinar?
      Webinars are not dead. However, I don't know about you, but all the energy that goes into running a live or evergreen webinar just to get a 3-5% conversion rate, which is considered a great conversion for these types of events, is just a waste of energy in our opinion. By going through this 5 Day Challenge and watching not only what Doug is doing but HOW is he is doing this, will help you understand why and how this model works so much better than a 90 minute webinar model. It builds momentum for you audience, gives them a vehicle to shift their beliefs and literally transform over the course of 5 days. Not only that, but it is a filter to only bring you the best clients who are an exact match to your ideal customer. It will sift out freebie seekers, freebie seekers, and unmotivated customers and at the end of your challenge, you will be left with the best of the best who are ready to buy your offer AND implement what you are teaching so they can get amazing results, give you testimonials, social shares, and referrals to help you grow your online business even faster. 
      Q: Who is successful in running an online challenge model for their business?
      In the past, many of the top entrepreneurs and companies would use all types of client acquisition strategies from paid advertising, cold outreach, webinars, summits, video sales letters, sales funnels, and many others. Yes, these still work. But if you consider the time and energy that these require to get an industry average of 3-5% conversions and that is considered good... you are going to spend the same amount of energy, if not less, and get an average of 25-40% conversions leveraging the challenge model. If you look around at the top leaders in the online marketing industry, they are all using the challenge model because IT WORKS! Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Russell Brunson, and so many more have adopted the challenge model for their business to replace their old marketing strategy. This personally took Doug and Fulltime Freedom Academy from a "Promoter" business to running a CEO operated systems focused 7-Figure online business. A challenge model, when executed correctly, will help you do the same.
      Q: How much is the live class?
      There are 2 ways to participate in "Cold To Clients" challenge. The General Admission Experience is $47 and the VIP Experience is only $70 for the exclusive VIP ticket Zoom post-event Q&A and VIP Coaching with Doug Boughton where he can go into your exact situation and lead generation process. 
      Q: How is this different than your courses or free content on offers?
      I've never done this before, except for my high end Mastermind. This is all new content and frameworks. 
      Q: Are the challenge classes live?
      Yes, classes will be live and recorded, but you won't be able to purchase the recordings. You will need to watch the challenge live or watch the recordings for each day, by the end of the day. Limited time recordings will be posted in the Facebook group (the final recording will be live in the Facebook group from Monday October 23rd to Friday October 27th at 11:59pm EST. At that time they will be permanently removed. 
      Q: How does the 5 day challenge work?
      Each day we will have the general session at 2pm EST. In the evening you are encouraged to complete the daily tasks and ask questions in the Facebook Group each evening should you have any.
      Q: Will I get direct feedback from Doug?
      Yes, if you have the VIP Experience you will have live Q & A' s daily where you can ask anything covered in the challenge. If you have General Admission you will have the ability to listen to the Q&A but not to ask questions directly. But your questions will more than likely be asked by someone in the VIP Experience. 
      All Earnings and income representations are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Digital StrADegy LLC, testimonials and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the Digital StrADegy LLC Programs, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors. 

      The Digital StrADegy LLC Programs, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that the Digital StrADegy LLC Programs are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms of Service for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions. 

      Copyright 2023 © Digital StrADegy, LLC  | www.Dougboughton.com